Start a wonderful Journey
towards Freedom...
30 Moments
of Reconnection!
30 Moments of Reconnection back to YOU!
Receive your free guide, 30 Moments diary,
and 30 easy ideas to spark your inspiration
so you too can start your journey
- to rediscovering the beautiful you
- to living your life with joy
- to relief of emotional stress & pain
* By signing up you agree to receive emails from Catherine to help you along your journey to confidence & freedom from pain.
You can, of course, unsubscribe at any time!
Reconnect with you
Reconnect with your inspiration
Imagine knowing what you really need. Imagine living a life on your terms, full of confidence, doing the things you enjoy, both at home and at work, and free from pain. Imagine making your preferences a priority, truly believing you matter.
Many of us live our lives putting others' needs before our own, forever people pleasing, over-giving or over achieving - at home, at work, or both.
When we don't consider & care for ourselves in daily life, or release buried emotional turmoil, eventually our minds & bodies can cry out to be noticed in the form of tension & pain.
As you take this simple, fun & inspiring quest, you will start to rediscover your own needs & desires, reconnect with who you really are deep down and begin the pain-relieving & confidence building habit of including you into your daily equation of your busy life.
Are you ready to make changes & create a life of freedom & choice?
tune in to you & begin to create your list of all the things that bring you pleasure
discover more about yourself and what makes you tick
learn to feel what really inspires you and what really tires you
feel lifted in spirits, more expansive and light
develop your awareness of the empowering beauty & marvels that surround you
begin to build an essential routine of self-care into your daily life
begin to build an essential routine of pausing into your daily life
anchor your foundations for your journey to relieving persistent pain
anchor your foundations for your journey to rebuilding your confidence and your belief in you.
The Wonderful Benefits
Science now explains that pain that persists beyond 6-12 weeks & that has been cleared of any underlying medical cause is most likely to be the result of adverse neural pathways - a result of our conditioning from personal life experiences since early childhood and accumulated buried emotional turmoil - that same conditioning that affects our self-worth, self-belief and our confidence.
The news is good! Neural pathways, symptoms and self-belief can be changed. Pain can be relieved, often fully resolved, and confidence can be rebuilt - with learning and practising various strategies and life-style changes – and that includes such daily actions as 30 Moments of Reconnection!
#30 Moments is a wonderful opportunity to pause and feel into your body and reconnect with what really inspires you, guiding you like a compass for your life, encouraging you to flow towards the adventures, challenges and delights that suit you and your unique qualities.
Remember, every journey starts with just one small step!
If you feel inspired to look further into the possible origins of your pain
you'd like to find out more about
rebuilding your self-belief, self-worth & confidence
please feel welcome to...
Inspire others to take up 30 Moments of Reconnection!
There are so many women in our society who are still struggling with persisting pain or a lack of self-confidence, many quietly to themselves, many unknowingly using self-sabotaging strategies, many not realising there is a way forwards for them to rebuild their life on their terms, free from pain.
Share your discovered pleasures with #30moments and help others to become aware, so that they too may help themselves work towards the better, more comfortable, more active and more confident way of life they deserve.