I Discovered the Steps to
Take Back Control of my Life
Free My Pain

When you spend your life focused on pleasing others, perhaps over-giving &/or over-achieving, both at home or work, and ignoring or tossing your own needs aside, eventually your own well-being demands to be heard.
Your mind and body will start to create subtle uncomfortable niggles and tension - trying to tell you something isn't right - but which too many of us just disregard and push through.
Over time these nudges from our inner world can build up towards significant resentment, problems & often dis-ease and pain.
From Misery to Freedom from Pain
Pioneering professor, Dr John Sarno, helped thousands of long-term-pain patients achieve full recovery by opening up their understanding of the deep connections between mind, body, suppressed emotions & pain.
His phenomenal success has been expanded by his successors & confirmed with good quality, reliable research studies. Approximately 66% of patients with chronic back pain became pain free or nearly pain free after being randomly assigned to mindbody therapy. (* & *)
Georgie Oldfield brought this revolutionary approach to the UK & Europe and created SIRPATM. No matter how severe or long-standing persistent/chronic pain has been present, this mind-body method has shown that relief & often full recovery are possible.
With such life-transforming results, & following my 25 years experience in the world of physio, pain & healing, I qualified as a SIRPATM practitioner and created the Freedom From Pain programme for you.
Respecting the deep influence our mind has on our body - & vice versa - I worked hard on the life-strategies myself to relieve my own persisting pain. Learning how to effectively release difficult emotions from my past & present, I was able to release tension, strain and pain. I discovered even just choosing to change a thought pattern from a negative to a positive immediately changed my measureable physical strength. Amazing!
And now I'm so pleased to be able to guide you to learn the strategies & skills, so you too can finally gain lasting relief from your pain.
"Through Catherine’s wonderful guidance I feel empowered to continue my new found path to grow and to achieve...
"You have an incredible ability as a coach. You are fantastic and very natural…"
Christine, Australia
From Overwhelm to Calmer Control
Home, teenage family, my own business, clinical CPD, separate dependent elderly relatives with worsening dementia & mobility needs, a rep for a corporate battle... I found myself in overwhelm, overloaded with tasks & responsibilities, feeling lost and ravaged with self-doubt.
I needed guidance & help - & discovered master life coach, Nancy Levin. I needed what was in her head! But not just for myself - I knew her coaching methods would also really help my clients in pain. And as if by magic - Nancy announced she was launching her new academy - where I could learn just that. The result? I was honoured to be the academy's first UK Life CoachTM!
What I learned in my life coaching training was phenomenal and became an incredible life-changing experience for me - which is why I'm so excited to be both a mindbody physio and a life coach - & able to offer you exceptional on-line coaching programmes.
It is a real privilege to be able to share this wonderful work with you. As I did, you'll gently dig deep to uncover your hidden limiting beliefs and life-patterns. You'll discover what's been holding you back from gaining control over your life - to where change is needed. You'll develop new beliefs, new behaviours & commit to those changes.
As you gain the courage & know-how to identify & set personal boundaries, you'll feel empowered to honour your own needs, rediscover & follow your passions and expand your self-worth. You'll learn the skills to take back control - and curate a future of your choice, built on your own terms!
"I learnt things I genuinely didn't know, and the course... helped me prioritise me, instead of always putting everyone else first.
"I [now] put myself first in many more ways - which gives me a huge sense of pride, confidence and happiness."
Jez, UK
Onwards to being Published
I was thrilled to be invited by Physio First, the UK's organisation for physiotherapists in private practice, to write for their respected quarterly journal, In Touch. The article was titled, "Chronic pain recovery: a physiotherapy journey to celebrating the mindbody approach".
I chat through the evolving neuroscience & research that guided me to becoming a specialised chronic pain practitioner with SIRPATM & why I was so keen to build my boundary & life coaching skills in order to help those struggling to regain active, confident & fulfilled lives, free from symptoms.
If you'd like to have a read, just click on the photo.
And a Flavour of my other Passions!
As I've come to truly understand & witness, a good balance of work, rest and play is essential for full health! I have a wonderful grown-up family, including one gorgeous dog. You’ll see me walking or running the lovely footpaths of Durley most days as I absorb the wonders of nature, fresh air and daylight.
Getting out on my bike to ride the back-roads of our local South Downs is a real pleasure and I enjoy keeping fit with an ever changing regime, including strength training, yoga & dance. I love meeting up with friends and family, and have become hooked on reading & learning. I also savour my quiet times for meditation, reflection & appreciation of all the marvels, miracles and magic that surround us.
And now you know a little more about me and how much help & support is available for you, please....