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Catherine Pollitt
Personal Freedom! Sounds good. But what is it & how to achieve it?
Do you ever wish you could gain relief from that feeling of being trapped, tethered, unable to escape - somehow stuck in your life? In...

Catherine Pollitt
The Painless Equation!
To help you free Persisting Pain and experience a happy, healthly life, there are so many different, often surprisingly enjoyable &...

Catherine Pollitt
Your "Inner Wisdom". Is it really a thing?
Deep, gasp... “You can’t say that!” or ... “You can’t write that!”. These were the words I so often heard in my childhood. Although my...

Catherine Pollitt
Simple Daily Strategies to Survive Life’s Mounting Stress - & Thrive!
I’m astounded at how our daily life stresses have crept up over the last 50 years – and how much they’re “pushing our buttons”. And...
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