* back pain * neck pain * whiplash * shoulder or arm pain *
* hip, leg or foot pain *
*TMS * PPD * Fibromyalgia *
Imagine your life, relationships, work, hobbies, sports & sleep free from pain -
knowing you had the skills & confidence to keep it that way.
Maybe you've been through many therapies and treatments, had various medical opinions,
even possibly surgery - but little has helped keep the pain away long term.
There is a way to achieve relief & recovery from chronic pain
& it may surprise you:-
Let me explain. All pain is real. It is not "in your head" - but there is a widespread misbelief that pain must have a physical cause. Research & science has shown us that, in fact, it's our deeper faulty beliefs, thoughts and emotional turmoil - developed through our childhood and life experiences - that are indeed the true underlying causes behind persistent chronic pain.
When your pain has persisted for more than 3 months - & physically damaging conditions, such as infection, fracture, cancer or an autoimmune disease, have been ruled out - we now know the pain is likely due to persistently active nerve circuitry in the brain - part of a hypersensitised "stress response".
You see, it's our brain that produces all pain that we experience, 100% of the time - without exception - as a message to get our attention, to protect us from a perceived threat - or perhaps to distract us from the threat of facing "even more painful" unresolved emotional issues. It's part of being a normal human being. And nerve circuitry can become conditioned to switch on & produce pain - in response to certain movements, time of day, sounds, aromas, places, fear & anxiety or even just a thought.
You may have been told in the past that you have some degeneration/osteoarthritis in your joints or disc problems in your back - including from X-ray or scans. But we now realise these are unlikely to be the actual cause for your ongoing pain. These changes we see on scans are indeed more akin to our naturally greying hair & wrinkles - effectively painless "kisses of time" on the inside.
Good News!
You can re-programme your brain, by-pass the unwanted nerve circuitry
& relieve your pain.
​In two recent studies, approx. 66% of patients who'd had back pain
ranging from 3 months to many years
became pain free or nearly pain free
after being randomly assigned to mindbody therapy.
I'd love to show you how too!
Freedom From Pain
an empowering evidence-based mindbody coaching programme
Created around the leading-edge SIRPATM approach,
I guide & support you to accept the science,
and learn & practise the skills & lifestyle strategies needed
to help you achieve relief & recovery.
Find the freedom to build the life you want.
Discover the latest research & truth about pain recovery
Ensure your self-care is a priority
Build your strategies to calm your response to stress
Enhance your emotional awareness & felt-sense
Explore what was going on in your life when your pain started
Develop new skills to carefully release buried emotion & pain​
Feel the layers of fear & pain melting away
​Welcome in your future,
released from the chains of persistent pain,
free to curate the life you deserve.
Journey through the structured
12 week Programme:
75-90 minute weekly coaching via Zoom - on-line works so well and the tech is easy!
10 sessions at a regular time and day
2 complimentary bonus sessions if needed
10 empowering steps to build your freedom from chronic pain skills
Online platform with supportive & informative material to assist your work & relief each week
Encouragement to read foundational books & fascinating articles
Weekly support and accountability from me
" Catherine... has helped me delve deeply into the underlying causes for my pain. It's challenging... But it's work that is freeing me, so I thank her for the kind & patient way she does it."
Sam, GP, UK
"You put me completely at ease, made me feel worthwhile, encouraged & explained everything clearly as we worked through the programme... I found the information & techniques fascinating & really enjoyed every element of the work. I always looked forward to participating & discovering more."
Anne, UK
"You can achieve relief
no matter how severe or long standing your chronic/persistent pain."
Georgie Oldfield, MCSP, founder of SIRPATM
Here's what to do...
Step Two
Join me for a complimentary
45 minute
Zoom call.
Tell me a little of your story & I'll explain more about the vital steps to achieve Freedom From Pain. As we chat & get to know each other, I can guide you to some excellent resources or if we're a good fit, I'll invite you to join my welcoming online live & interactive 12 week relief & recovery programme.
Step Three
Join me for the
Freedom From Pain coaching programme via Zoom.
In 10 empowering coaching sessions you will learn how to achieve relief & recovery from persisting/chronic pain - all crafted from the evidence-based SIRPATM approach, with new knowledge, vital self-care, daily strategies to manage stress & release emotion, & new empowering positive habits.
I look forward to meeting you!
"Nourishing Freedom"

Receive ongoing encouragement & support with bi-monthly coaching calls to practise, enhance & apply your new knowledge & skills with a wonderful group of like-minded souls.