When you spend your life always putting others or other things ahead of yourself & ignoring your own needs and desires, eventually your own well-being will probably demand to be heard - in the form of bodily tension, niggles & intermittent aches and pains. And if you continue to ignore your needs and wishes, those aches and pains may turn into longer lasting and troublesome chronic pain or illness.
Last night, as a certified Boundary CoachTM, I was delighted to give a talk to my fellow SIRPA colleagues reinforcing the positive, transformative effect of knowing where & how to set & uphold effective boundaries in our lives & those of our clients – and using boundaries as a framework to help avoid pain & ill health, & instead promote wellbeing.
The importance of prioritising you and your needs
Perhaps you too find it hard to consider yourself & your needs as a priority? Maybe you too are struggling with persisting or recurring pain or symptoms of reduced health? Perhaps you see the potential connection between these two factors?
You see it is often those who:
· always aim to keep others happy (the "people-pleasers"); or
· feel consistently driven to achieve & succeed: or
· over-give of their time or energy,
that often find themselves feeling over-tired, stressed, unable to think clearly, overwhelmed and possibly also struggling with pain - and so most in need of learning the benefits and strategies to set effective and health-enhancing boundaries.
Boundary CoachingTM
Boundary CoachingTM exposes the limits we are all free to define in deciding what each of us will or will not tolerate, accept or do. Through a highly interactive process, it explores the belief patterns, habits and behaviours we’ve each individually adopted through life and which have caused us to abandon our needs and desires, so putting us under undue stress and potentially pain-generating states.
New health-enhancing beliefs, habits and behaviours
Then, by uncovering & understanding the origins of the disempowering and limiting beliefs you hold, you can reframe them into new positive and empowering ones. This then encourages you forward to learn & be guided to embrace better health-enhancing, stress-releasing & so pain-relieving behaviours:
· recognising what you need and wish for.
· making your needs and preferences a priority - and giving your voice to them.
· acknowledging the importance of expressing your truth freely & openly.
· expressing your needs clearly with grace & compassion and without feeling guilty.
· graciously saying “No” to what tires you and “Yes” to what inspires you.
· releasing the pull of obligations and expectations from others that drain you of energy, challenging your health.
· redirecting energy back into yourself, to enhance your health and build your strength and resilience - so you can fairly care for those around you, helping them flourish, alongside enjoying a life of your own.
· & so to curate a life that you’d love - built around your own choices.
Grace and ease
Learning how to set and uphold boundaries with grace and ease provides the container in which your needs and wishes can be met, as you embrace your new beliefs and behaviours. In so doing, you’ll also most likely regain your confidence and courage for life, helping you stand up for what you truly believe in.
Setting boundaries allows us to make the choices, take the actions and embrace the changes we need to curate a life we’d love - reduced in external and self-induced pressures, stress & emotional turmoil & so helping release a significant underlying cause of chronic pain.
Embrace a new way of being in the world
If you’d like to find out more about the power of setting effecting boundaries and how Boundary CoachingTM can help you delve in to reframe your beliefs and behaviours, allowing you to embrace a new way of being in the world – to help you relieve your symptoms and/or rebuild your confidence and self-worth, please do book a Discovery Call with me.
Back in control
It would be my honour to guide & support you to feel empowered, back in control and able to curate a new & more comfortable life.